Kusama Circles


Turing Network Launch

Turing will be following a similar launch process as Kusama, Polkadot and Moonriver to ensure the stability of the network.
After the OAK team, with its community's support, wins a parachain slot on Kusama, the rollout process below kicks off. While the dates are best effort targets, they are subject to change depending on launch conditions.
Phase 0: Centralized
Status: Completed on April 4, 2022
The Genesis block is launched, and the network is supported by service providers that the OAK team are managing.
  • To launch Turing with minimum viable functionality including block production & finalization, secured system, upgradeability and basic pallet functionality.
  • Once we have been running in a stable way for at least 1 week we will release additional features for our automation pallets.
  • Minimal requirement for centralized block production
  • Closed collator set (C=5) hosted by the OAK Foundation, OnFinality, and BlockDaemon on behalf of the OAK team. Additionally, we’re asking independent service providers (e.g. Mayhem Nodes) to be part of this set.
  • The OAK team will manage sudo (a superuser account controlled by the OAK team).
  • Closed valve (our shutdown mechanism for certain features) for:
    • Wallet/Balance transfers
    • Automation extrinsics
    • Governance
Users of Turing, collators, and crowdloan contributors will have limited functionality at this phase. They will not be able to claim rewards, stake, execute balance transfers, or use any automation functionality. Users will be able to observe block production and finalization via explorers and perform other read-only inspections of the chainstate.
Phase 1: Early Adopter Launch
Status: Completed on May 4, 2022
This entails the distribution of the first set of TUR rewards to crowdloan supporters and community members. The distribution will enable folks to use our automation infrastructure.
  • Enable early supporters to start using our automation.
  • Test the automation functionality with a small set of early adopters and team members.
  • The first distribution of crowdloan rewards to supporters.
    • 30% of “Parachain Crowdloan” allocation of tokens will be distributed to loan participants
  • Increase active collator set to C=16.
  • Time-based automation infrastructure will be enabled.
  • Closed valve for:
    • Wallet/Balance transfers
    • Governance
  • The OAK team will continue to manage via sudo to ensure we are upgrading with additional functionality or patches.
Early adopters can access Turing’s automation functionality (time-based to start). Collators (not in the closed set) are unaffected. TUR token holders cannot transfer tokens to other wallets.
Phase 2: Delegated Proof of Stake
Status: Completed on May 19, 2022
To enable increased stability and stabilization, once the network has been tested and trialed, we begin adding more third-party collators to the active set.
  • To add staking and delegation mechanisms to third-party collator service providers.
  • To monitor the reliability of the system and increase the traffic.
  • To ensure the decentralized collator set is performing well with the Kusama Relay Chain and its validators.
  • Initiate a collator election.
  • Increase active collator set to C=24. Registration done by Sudo.
  • Staking managed by the OAK team.
TUR token holders will continue to be able to use any automation functionality. They still cannot stake for collators until the next phase.
Collators will be able to perform actions necessary for block production. This phase opens up the collator set to any given collator who would like to provide services for the Turing network.
Phase 3: Full Feature Launch
Status: Completed on June 3, 2022
Any end user with TUR tokens can use TUR automation functionality, staking and other blockchain features.
  • Balance transfers (wallet to wallet) will be enabled via sudo.
  • Staking rewards for collators and delegators will be enabled.
  • The OAK team will monitor the system closely and work with relevant stakeholders (like collators) to ensure a well functioning system.
  • Collator set will remain at C=24 (or higher) and end users can now stake to delegate collators
  • All valves (including balance transfers) will be opened with the exception of Governance.
TUR tokens can be used for staking, balance transfers, and using on-chain automation services.
Staking for collators will continue to be managed by the OAK team as new features for collator selection and staking are rolled out.
Phase 4: Governance
Status: Completed on June 29, 2022
Once the team is confident in the stability, we will use the Sudo key to issue a runtime upgrade and enable governance.
  • To ensure all onchain governance systems are working as expected.
  • Once we have been running in a stable way for at least 1 week we will proceed to the next launch phase.
  • The active collator set might increase from C=24
  • Staking will still be managed by the OAK team.
  • Governance is enabled and all valves are open
All end users can use Turing’s automation functionality including but not limited to claiming rewards, execute balance transfers, or use any automation functionality.
More collators may be added to the collator set. By expanding this set, we are increasing the stability of the system with scale.
Early adopters and token holders can participate in governance.
Phase 5: Removal of Sudo
Status: Completed on September 20, 2022
At this point, we remove Sudo (the super user key) and hand over control of the network to token holders.
  • Removing Sudo means we are 100% confident in all systems.
  • Once the Sudo key is removed, any extrinsic call that used to require sudo (upgrades, etc.) will now be done through a council motion.
  • Collator set will remain at C=24 (or higher)
  • Removal of sudo ownership from the OAK team
  • Staking will be open to any TUR token holders for collator selection.
Early adopters and partners can continue using Turing’s automation functionality.
TUR holders can now select collators by staking their TUR to selected collators.
By removing sudo, this is the last step to fully decentralize the Turing network. The OAK team will not have the ability to singularly upgrade the blockchain, and instead any technical patches or upgrades will undergo council and motion review via governance.